Untitled (Ngamurangya Rockhole and Cave Site), 1984
Bears Papunya Tula Artists catalogue number TL840444 twice on the reverse
Synthetic polymer paint on linen
152.5 x 183cm
Painted at Kiwirrkura, Western Australia in 1984
Papunya Tula Artists, Alice Springs (TL 840444)
Private Collection, Adelaide
Cf. For other significant examples by the artist painted during the 1980s see Two Men Dreaming at Kuluntjarranya, 1984 and 1983 in the private collection of John and Barbara Wilkerson, USA and Holmes à Court, Perth respectively (Hetti Perkins and Hannah Fink, Papunya Tula: Genesis and Genius, Sydney: Art Gallery of New South Wales, 2000, pp.94 and 95); Tingari Dreaming, 1986 in the private collection of the late Gabrielle Pizzi (R. Crumlin and A, Knight, Aboriginal Art and Spirituality, Melbourne: Dove Publications, 1995, p.78) and Warrmala the Serpent, 1986 and the Voice of the Moon, 1987 in Jennifer Isaacs, Australian Aboriginal Paintings, NSW: Weldon Publishing, 1989, pp. 43 and 45 respectively.